
- Posted by Sigma Chi
Sigma Chi Today, a new e-learning course for alumni, is set to bring alumni up to speed on Fraternity’s evolution and how Sigma Chi continues to serve members today. All alumni brothers are invited to experience a new learning opportunity for Sigma Chi alumni aims to reacquaint Sigs with the Fraternity of today and how it continues to thrive in the present.
- Posted by Ron Hunt
The DAC Nominating Committee, per the bylaws, has proposed the following 2025 Slate of Officers, to be voted on at the Nov. 12 DAC Chapter Meeting/Luncheon. This Slate was presented at the Oct. Executive Committee Meeting and at the October DAC Chapter Meeting.
- Posted by Ron Hunt
At the Oct. Executive Committee Meeting, the following Sigma Chi Dallas Alumni Chapter bylaw changes were proposed, which will be voted on at the Nov. 12th DAC Chapter Meeting/Luncheon. If you have any questions, please email
- Posted by Sigma Chi
The establishment of Sigma Chi was a protest against artificiality and false pretense, a plea for personal independence, for congeniality and genuine friendship as the only natural basis of associations in a collegiate brotherhood. The Founders’ unfortunate experience in Delta Kappa Epsilon, which they saw as a group focused on conformity for political gain, stirred their hearts and their spirit. They found it a necessity to allow and accept differences in points of views and opinions, realizing that doing so brought opportunities and pleasures. This “spirit” became documented as The Spirit of Sigma Chi, although the creation date and author is unknown.